Too late for breakfast, yet too early for a full-course lunch? Why don't you treat yourself to a delicious brunch with this beautiful Quiche All-In-One? Meet all our favorite quiche fillings—smoked beef, spinach, and chicken—stuffed in one fabulous creation. Now, you're ready to get back on track and save the day!
Please refrigerate immediately.
Quiche AIO will stay fresh for 2 to 3 days in the fridge and 2 to 3 hours at room temperature.
Harus selalu disimpan dalam kulkas. Produk ini bisa bertahan selama 7 hari di dalam freezer, 2 hari di dalam kulkas, dan 3 jam pada suhu ruang.
Storage & Care
Harus selalu disimpan dalam kulkas. Produk ini bisa bertahan selama 7 hari di dalam freezer, 2 hari di dalam kulkas, dan 3 jam pada suhu ruang.